

Year Completed



Commercial, Office, Felt Replacement


Upgraded Felt

The green wall was first installed in May 2017. As The felt of the green wall was replaced with the upgraded version in June. As this water tank did not consist of our auto-top up system (for irrigation), it requires manual water top-up which was a problem at times like the circuit breaker period. Since arrangement to top up the water tank was not possible during the circuit breaker period, we advised client to shut off the powerpoint to the green wall as a safety precaution from electrical fire hazard. 
This unfortunately meant that the plants would not survive. As a goodwill to all our existing clients in this period, we offered to them to upgrade their green wall with new features to rejuvenate their green wall.
New felt features include:
  • Felt in Black – discreet backdrop for plants, gaps are less noticeable.
  • Wider Pockets – promotes healthier root growth as the root ball of plants are less compressed.
Wider gaps mean that during the initial installation, the gaps may be more visible. As time passes, the plants will grow bigger and gaps will definitely be much less noticeable

Greenwall before felt replacement

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