Plants have a way of making your interior look more lively and beautiful. Adding greenery into your homes today does not necessarily require you to have a big space nor green fingers. Check out how these homes integrated green walls into their living space!
If you have a balcony, it is a great place to start!
A calming atmosphere created with a Buddha centrepiece surrounded by plants
Another zen atmosphere created with the use of natural elements in the area – wood & bamboo complimented with a green wall
A mix of artificial green wall and live plants in our HyGro™Origami pots for minimal maintenance.
When you have a blank wall, you’d think of hanging a piece of art right? Instead of a hanging a painting, why not get yourself a wall of plants as a centrepiece?
A calming atmosphere created with a Buddha centrepiece surrounded by plants
Another zen atmosphere created with the use of natural elements in the area – wood & bamboo complimented with a green wall
A maintenance-free artificial green feature wall for the dining area
Boundary walls are another great place to incorporate some greeneries to have a more appealing view within your property.